the laughing fit

"imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"


The following news story on the BBC news service today reminded us of "The Germans" episode from Fawlty Towers when Basil gets his head bashed by a moose, looses his senses and triggers off a series of hilarious and politically incorrect events involving Ze Germans (see picture).

Student felled by moose head sues
An American student is suing her university for negligence after a mounted moose head fell on her from a wall during a biology exam.

Amy Walters was peering through a microscope when the stuffed trophy fell, hitting the side of her head. She says she has suffered from headaches ever since, and is suing for "loss of enjoyment of life" and "embarrassment and humiliation".

Pennsylvania State University has not yet commented on the case. The accident happened at the university's biology laboratory at the Fayette campus during an exam in February 2005.

'Saw spots'

Ms Walters' complaint said there were "several wild game heads displayed on the walls about the room". The "moose head with antlers" fell from the wall, knocking Ms Walters into a chair, whereupon the hunting relic landed in her lap, it said. The impact "caused immediate pain in her head and caused Ms Walters to see spots", it said, although "after taking a moment, she was able to complete the exam".

Nevertheless, a few hours later she felt sick and reported to the university's medical facility.
She said she has continued to suffer from severe headaches since the day of the accident, and wants a jury trial to award damages. She is alleging that the "defendants were careless, reckless and negligent in failing to ensure the moose head was properly affixed to the wall".

Story from BBC NEWS.

Published: 2007/01/27 02:15:51 GMT

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the laughing fit

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"He deserves paradise who makes his companions laugh". Inspired by Punch, MAD, the Onion and other irreverent magazines. This is the blog that was created because "not everyone is in on the joke". The laughing fit ... the moaning stay out.