the laughing fit

"imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Heard in the Hive

The Laughing Fit has heard from reliable sources that President Fenech Adami's appearance on the podium at Strasbourg yesterday had a shocking effect on many Frenchies present. It seems that the frogs were astonished to see the ghost of Lionel Jospin reincarnated as head of an island state. One look at the photo above shows that they were not so much to blame... the similarity between the two is rather striking. So... who's who?

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the laughing fit

  • A journal of merriment. "He deserves paradise who makes his companions laugh". Inspired by Punch, MAD, the Onion and other irreverent magazines. This is the blog that was created because "not everyone is in on the joke". The laughing fit ... the moaning stay out.


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"He deserves paradise who makes his companions laugh". Inspired by Punch, MAD, the Onion and other irreverent magazines. This is the blog that was created because "not everyone is in on the joke". The laughing fit ... the moaning stay out.